Tuesday, January 26, 2016

2015-054: Dave Kennedy!

#Dave #Kennedy does a lot for the infosec community. As owner/operator of 2 companies (Binary Defense Systems and Trusted Security), he also is an organizer of #DerbyCon and active contributor to the Social Engineering ToolKit (#SET).  You can also find him discussing the latest hacking attempts and breaches on Fox News and other mainstream media outlets.
But this time, we interview Dave Kennedy because he has been elected to the ISC2 board. He will be serving a 3 year term with Wim Remes (who we interviewed a couple of weeks ago) and others to improve #ISC2 processes, and to make #CISSP and other certs more competitive in the #infosec/IT community.
And yes... we find out about what is going on with DerbyCon and get some updates with what will happen in the next DerbyCon.

BrakeSec Podcast Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/brakesec

Comments, Questions, Feedback: bds.podcast@gmail.com